Tuesday, August 31, 2010


9898048483 rajkot

The term automatic writing almost defines itself. It is the process that a medium uses to converse with spirits. In automatic writing the medium sits at a table with a pen or pencil in hand and a blank paper in front. The medium then goes into a trance and the spirit then uses the medium to write the message, most times the medium does not know what is written. Many spiritualists use automatic writing in an attempt to channel spirits.

Automatic writing can consist of illegible writing, the text may appear to be jumbled, spelling mistakes no punctuation, or even symbols or pictures can be drawn in an attempt for the spirit to make its message known. Some times the message can be in a different language or hand writing style different from the mediums.

In attempting automatic writing a person can use any writing tool even a computer, many mediums favor using a computer as they can type faster than writing and find even miss-typed words can have a definite meaning.

As in the use of an Ouija board care and caution should be used in any attempt at automatic writing. As in an Ouija board there is no way of telling what kind of spirit is coming through the automatic writing session, if you feel any discomfort stop immediately.
Since the time of the early Greeks, there have been many reliable reports of witnesses seeing the phenomenon of ball lightning. The name ball lightning maybe an incorrect term used in describing it. It is a ball but it may not be lightning after all as all facts about it defy anything associated with lightning.

There have been about 5 percent of the worlds population that has come in contact with this phenomenon. Many of the eyewitnesses have been highly respected scientists and researchers in the field. The eyewitness accounts vary, some saw the ball lightning during a thunderstorm, some of the phenomenon came from a huge thunder head and then hovered above the ground between the thunder head and the ground, some report that the ball lightning came from the cloud to the ground, others report that the ball lightning came after an ordinary lightning strike, and a few others report that ball lightning occurred in broad daylight with no thunder storm in sight.

Some of the facts concerning ball lightning are that it is usually round in shape and is between about a half an inch to about 40 inches width. Unlike regular lightning which is only one color, ball lightning can come in any color; there are reports of it being white, yellow, red and green; and it can change its color and size. All though it’s not very bright, it can easily be seen in sunlight.

It can move very fast even pass through walls or it can hover in midair. As it moves it seems to spin as if it has an axis, it also seems to have a pulse within it. Witnesses have reported that it can violently explode or dissipate quietly. In most of the eyewitness accounts it has been reported that it seems to come out of nowhere and others have reported that it rises out of the ground as if it came from hell itself, it has been reported manifesting inside flying airplanes. All though it is cool to the touch there have been reports of it melting walls as well as melting the faces off of people, it has killed people.

There is no accepted theory on ball lightning and some witnesses believe that it comes from UFO. Theories range from a puff of gas, to an eye problem, other theories are that ball lightning and tornados have the same forms, and still many others believe that ball lightning has something to do with atmospheric conditions.

Other theories are that unlike the arc lightning which is short lived, ball lightning is actually a common form of lightning that just is a longer lived floating object.

Whatever ball lightning is or is not, it is still treated like an unexplained phenomenon by many researchers.
The black mass is the complete opposite of a Christian mass. It is the blasphemous defilement of the Holy rite according to Christian beliefs.

The black mass involves naked virgins on the altars, the diabolical rituals are held over the buttocks of a naked woman, there is an inverted cross which the celebrants spit and step on during the ritual, the host; or Eucharist is stabbed and a back ward blessing is then said. The backward blessing is the Lord’s prayer recited back wards in an effort to conjure forth the devil during the ritual. Sometimes toads and chickens are sacrificed and the host or Eucharist being desecrated and made of noxious substances the congregation is then sprinkled with urine rather than holy water. This is according to experts such as theologians and demonologists who got their information from witches that were tortured in order to obtain a confession during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Black mass was used in the late 1800s to describe the black magic ceremonies that were taking place as part of black magic rituals. Through out history there has never been any evidence that the black mass was ever performed by witches but the is evidence in modern times that some

Satanist have indeed performed black masses
There is a report of a young Lebanese girl who can produce tears that are actually crystals and as sharp as glass. The doctors attending to her state that she feels no pain and is not cut when she cries these tears. These tears are reported to flow 7 times a day every day. These crystals were filmed by a local television station. Her eyes were filmed close up and showed pieces of glass slowly making their way out of her eyes, these pieces of glass seemed to becoming from her retina.

The phenomenon started when this child was at school and she felt something in her eye, this was her first piece of crystal. As she came home and told her family a second piece of crystal came out of her eye. Her father immediately took her to a doctor who could find no medical explanation for it. He certified that the crystals were real and that their was no scientific explanation for it.

The young girl told a story of a strange encounter that she had a few days after the crystal tears began to fall. She was awakened by a knock on her window by a man dressed all in white sitting on a white horse, she called him her "white knight". This apparition told her that the crystal tears were from God and that it would stop when God willed it. He also told her that all her family must leave their house or something bad would happen.

The whole family except one brother left, he was involved in a very bad car accident, but survived. The "white knight" came back and told the young girl that he had said all must leave. He also told her he would be with her always. One of these meeting between the young girl and the "white knight" apparition was witnessed by her younger brother. He heard her talking to someone but he could neither hear or see the person she was speaking with.

There were a few reports of fraud but no one could figure out exactly how the fraud was orchestrated with her producing crystals from her eyes with out injury. No one that labeled this case fraudulent could explain how she produced the crystals in front of television cameras. There are still many believers that do not think she is a fraud rather they believe that she is a miracle of God.

The crystal tears began in March of 1996 and ended in November of the same year. People in her village believer her to be a holy person or at least a divine envoy.
There are many terms used to describe a person’s ability to discern spirits. To discern spirits means to communicate with them. There are many groupings of different ways that someone communicates with spirits. Clairvoyance is being able to clearly see a spirit. This can be done in ones mind or see a spirit materialize in front of them. To be clairaudience means that you have the ability to hear spirits communicating to you, while being clairsentience is sensing that a spirit is around you.

The ability to communicate with spirits is a natural gift that one is born with and usually is hereditary. But there are many courses given by various groups that promise to teach one to communicate with the spirits. But one must have a full sense of what they are getting into before they take one of these courses as communicating with spirits if not done carefully can cause the person to have a lot of trouble.

A medium, which is a person that has the ability to communicate with spirits can use all three of these abilities or can only use one. The medium will begin by placing herself or himself into a white protective light, to symbolize the protection of God then the medium will go into a meditative state. Then the medium will go into a trance like state that allows the spirit to communicate directly through the medium. Some times the medium’s face may change to resemble that of the spirit, some call this transfiguration. Still other mediums have the ability to move things by psychic forces or telekinesis.

Many mediums will hold seances, which is a gathering of people that wish to communicate with spirits. During the Victorian era seances were quite popular. There guests were thrilled with spirits communicating through table tilting or rapping on the table or spirit voices coming from levitated trumpets. Some guests got together and used Ouija boards, or spirit message boards to communicate with departed loved ones. Some mediums of psychics also have the ability of psychometry, which is reading an object. What the medium does it to hold an object and in this way can pick up the aura or energy from this item. Many times the medium can get a spirit link from holding a personal item that belonged to someone that a person wishes to communicate with.

Many mediums or psychics have the ability to read tea leaves tarot cards or palms to tell a person’s future. Still others have the ability to gaze into a crystal ball to determine ones fate.

For the unprotected that attempt to communicate with spirits this can also be very dangerous and could leave them wide open to spirit invasion. So people should be very careful in attempting to learn any of these methods of spirit communication until they know the risks.
Auras are the beautiful variety of color that surrounds every one of us throughout our lives. These colors are believed to be the energy that is given off by an individual. This personal energy which comes out in these colors is believed to be linked into our souls and reflects the way our current mood is, how we are, where in our life we are and these colors can even show up any illnesses also.

Not only do people give off Auras but animals of all sorts and plants have Auras too. Anything that is living on earth and gives off energy has Auras.

Anyone can see these colors or Auras that surround a person’s body all it takes is a little practice. To begin to practice seeing Auras place your hand over a sheet of white paper and gaze at it. Do not stare directly at it but advert your eyes so that they your hand is a little off the center of your view, almost as if you are looking at it in your peripheral vision. Try to stare at your hands for several minutes without blinking. Soon you will see a thin white line appear to outline your hand; this is the beginning of your ability to see the Aura. Soon you will be able to see a color around the complete body of a person all it takes is a little practice and patience.

Below is an idea of what the color means but many colors are open to the individual interpretation.

A red color around a person can indicate an illness or a sore area of the body.

An orange color can show that this person is very optimistic and possesses a lot of strength. This person might be a teacher or a leader.

A yellow color around a person can signal that this person has a purpose in life and that they use a lot of their mental ability, they might be an avid reader.

A green color around a person might show that this person is very down to earth.

A blue color indicates healing and communicating in this person.

A pink or lilac color around an individual might show that they have great compassion, caring and love for all living things.

A purple color around a person can indicate that this person has a very noble soul and is probably very spiritual in their lives.

A gray color around a person could indicate that this person is going through some difficulty and is probably very depressed.

A very muddy brown or black might indicate the presence of something very troubling or evil in this individual life.

Our Auras are constantly changing just as our moods change from day to day.

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